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ISO/IEC 29133:2010-Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — Quality test specification for rewritable hybrid media data carriers This International Standard specifies methodologies to be used for the conformance of rewritable hybrid media data carriers, which combine RFID tag technology with linear and/or two-dimensional bar code symbologies that are written to an erasable substrate. Three main product configuration types are addressed within this International Standard: Rewritable Media, which supports the rewriting of linear or two-dimensional symbols; Rewritable Hybrid Media, which integrates the Rewritable Media with an RFID tag; Rewritable Media combined with RFID technology that are physically separate data carriers but still require their data encoding processes to be integrated as part of a Rewritable Hybrid Media system. Publication date: May 2010 This product is a single user license only. Copying and/or networking is prohibited. By purchasing this product, you agree to abide by the AIM End User License Agreement.